Dear World Live at UNH

Dear World Live at UNH

Tara Flippo (Browne Center Youth Director) and Jeff Frigon (Browne Center Youth Coordinator) took part in the “Dear World Live at UNH” event this week with photographer and founder Robert Fogarty.

Their messages are fitting as their shared work with educators is helping to make schools and youth programming more welcoming, inclusive, and safe.   Click Here for more information on their work.

Tara Jeff Dear World


About “Dear World”

Robert X. Fogarty founded Dear World, a portrait project that unites people through pictures in his distinct message-on-skin style. Its precursor, Dear New Orleans, became an alternative platform for people to write love notes to their city. Before launching Dear World, Fogarty noticed that the simple portraits could be a vehicle for shared communication no matter race, religion or language.  Robert will be doing a four hour photo shoot on the UNH campus and bringing five students on stage during his talk to speak of the message behind their photos.  Check out many of Robert’s famous photos at